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Here comes some promised updates in color! First one is from Madurai, rest from Kodaikanal.

Here's the temples I was on about back in Madurai!







Tonight George is leaving for Bangalore, I wish him safe travels and smooth landing back home!
Tomorrow me and Mila are heading off to Puducherry, a former French colony on the east coast just south of Chennai.
It's in the same state ( Tamil Nadu) as Kodaikanal. The french had quite a piece of India apart from the British Empire and the Portuguese, back in the days (wikipedia).
New for me is that even the Danish had a piece of the subcontinent.

We're probably going to stay in the post French Puducherry for a couple of days. After that the plan is to head back to the west coast (this time to explore Karntaka state).

Posted by Patrick_K 11:51 Archived in India

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Hur ter sig livet på andra sidan jorden?

by John Doe

Livet ar pa topp, bra mat och bra folk gor mkt! Jag har inte trakigt nanstans :)

by Patrick_K

Låter underbart :) Får hoppas hela resan blir något att komma ihåg resten av livet :) Vem vet man kanske inte känner igen dig när du kommer hem.

Hälsningar från Kungariket!

by John Doe

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